Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust have objected to a wind farm being located adjacent to Willow Tree Fen and Pinchbeck Fen Slipe Nature reserves
LWT Delph wind farm and are encouraging LWT members to object too.
Understandable you might think as their primary concern will be the effects the wind farm might have on the species that inhabit the reserves.
But if you read on to the reasons for the objection you'll discover that 2 of the 3 reasons for objection relate to perceived disadvantages for
our species.
The Trust's concerns are:
** Impacts of the turbines on wildlife, in particular birds, through direct
collision with the turbine blades and displacement from the nature reserves due
to disturbance from the turbines;
** Impacts on visitors to the nature reserves through noise and visual impact.
Would the song of the skylark for example still be audible to visitors with
wind turbines 200 metres away?
** Impacts on the fenland landscape character and open views.
The EIA undertaken by the developers indicates that there would be little impact to the environment from the development.
"A number of protected species use the site but collision risk impact assessments show that none of these species would be significantly effected by the proposed wind farm"
Wild Frontier Ecology
So we're back to the reluctance of our species to do very much about the serious impact of global warming in the future, if it means compromising our pleasures today.
I'm a member of the LWT and I appreciate all that they do for increasing bio-diversity and protecting habitats but that doesn't excuse this selfish objection which has very little to do with concern for wildlife on a nature reserve that 4 years ago was a field of beans.